About Ellen Potthoff
Dr. Potthoff has been in private practice, in California, for over 30 years. She has a varied background: starting first as a massage therapist, she detoured into Health Education on the way to getting degrees in both Chiropractic and Naturopathic medicines. She taught Stress Management for Kaiser Permanente for twelve years and taught Assertiveness and Insomnia classes there for several years each. She draws from all of her past experiences when working with patients.
B.A. Health Education – Portland State University; minor in Public Health
D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic – Western States Chiropractic College
N.D. Doctor of Naturopathy – National University of Natural Medicine
D.C. License: California 20,350
Previous Licenses in Oregon (D.C.) and (Connecticut (N.D.) and California (N.D.)
Acknowledgements and Professional Positions
New D.C. of the Year 1992 - California Chiropractic Association
Secretary and Vice President California Naturopathic Doctors Assn. (1992-95)
Secretary, Sacramento Society, California Chiropractic Association (1991-94)
Other Interests
Hiking, reading, swimming, camping, yoga, cooking, volunteering, singing (Berkeley Community Chorus & Orchestra, ushering for Arts performances (Lesher Arts Center), spiritual pursuits and a huge love, reverence and appreciation for NATURE.

I found Dr. Ellen, online... [and] came to her with a variety of Health issues!... After meeting with her and following her advice and directions, I have completely "reversed" most of my issues "Naturally!" I have controlled my Diabetes, HBP, Weight, etc. with Herbs, improved eating habits and life style... I really can't say enough about her and my new way of life. Dr. Ellen, is very "knowledgeable, professional" and so easy to talk with! On a Star Scale from 1 to 5, I'd give her 5 Stars!
Mark S.